Initial Situation
One of the leading German manufacturers for lifts and escalators considers itself to be both a provider of new installations as well as also of services for the maintenance and modernisation of existing systems. In the latter area, the manufacturer is quite frequently contacted with inquiries for repairs, service or maintenance for which it then submits offers. These offers are then only partially tracked owing to a lack of internal office staff which keeps the response rate below expectations.
The Sales Unit sets up a team to track the offers whereby the team then contacts all of the manufacturer’s customers which have not yet responded back after a designated period of time. In this regard, during the first step, it is determined whether the offer was received by the decision-maker and/or whether the contact person is also indeed the decision-maker for the offer. If necessary, the offer is sent again via e-mail–this time directly by the Sales Unit’s Letter Shop.
If the offer has indeed been received, the contact person’s current decision-making status is queried. In the case of a negative decision, the reasons are determined; in the case of a positive decision, he is motivated to send back the offer. If there are still unresolved issues, the contact person is offered a visit from a sales representative in order to clarify these issues.
Thanks to this customer- and solution-oriented approach, the response rate for the offers can be substantially increased within the follow-up period. The customer satisfaction also increases owing to the good customer support which brings the lift manufacturer additional sales inquiries.